To determine the correct complete transmitter manifold hook-up, Multi Instruments looks at the ambient conditions and region in the world were the transmitter/manifold combination will be installed. The final technical solution, therefore also total assembly price, is not determined by the manifold/fitting combination but ambient conditions are the decisive parameters. This means that for the warmer areas of the world a basic mounting plate with sunshade is sufficient, to complete the transmitter/manifold assembly. For the colder parts, like e.g. Europe, China and USA, were ambient conditions can be -20°C (-4°F) to -40°C (-40°F) Multi Instruments uses the heated body enclosure solutions. For the most extremely conditions, like Russia, Kazakhstan and Canada, Multi Instruments developed the Stainless Steel PS-1 full enclosure, which gives protection till even -60°C (-76°F) ambient. These solutions give substantial TCoO savings (> 40%) due to very low energy consumption of both above mentioned enclosure types. We further cover the whole range of required certification like ATEX for Europe, GOST-EX, RTN Application permit for Russia, CSA USA/C Ex-certificate for USA and Canada. Also our manifolds have GOST-R, RTN Application permit for Russia and CRN approval for Canada.Â